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Thinking of joining Forest of Dean Swimming Club?

We currently have spaces in all squads so if you are interested in joining: Get in touch by emailing for further information or to request a trial.
Click here for our squad criteria which is subject to the Head Coaches discretion.
Young swimmers aged 12 years and under:
If you are progressing from swimming lessons and have achieved Swim Engand Stage 5 or above, or if you can confidently swim frontcrawl, backstroke and breaststroke, you can email for a trial and assessment to join one of our training groups. A trial is a way to assess the current level of the swimmer and for the swimmer to get a feel of swimming in the club environment before committing themselves.
In the training groups we concentrate on developing the 4 main swimming strokes, practicing diving and developing the correct racing starts and turns and the development of both basic aerobic swimming endurance and swimming speed. You can achieve badges as you progress through the groups
Older swimmers aged 13 years and over:
If you are aged 13 or over, and would like to swim competitively you can email for a trial and assessment with our competitve squads as applicable:
In the Competition squad we introduce a coaching regime based on basic endurance and the consolidations of effective technique, competitive racing starts turns and relay take-overs of the four main strokes.
Swimmers take part in club championships and selected galas and enter open meets and county competitions when criteria are met.
In the Performance Squad the coaching regimes and intensities are to suit the competitive swimming calendar. Swimmers develop sufficient speed and endurance to undertake moderate to heavy training sessions.
Swimmers take part in club championships, selected galas and enter open meets, counties, south west regionals and nationals when criteria is met.
Adult swimmers aged 18 years and over
If you are aged 18 and over, we have a Masters section for swimmers to improve their technique and endurance in a relaxed environment. Further details can be found under the Masters.